28 June 2014

Jackson is Alive

Michael Jackson is still ALIVE, many have raised questions about his death which they believe was a indeed staged. Michael Jackson is NOT dead! How is this statement even true? Let’s get to the facts

He repeatedly said that he wanted to live forever where he took himself as Peter Pan. Sources tell that he even slept in a hyperbaric chamber to remain youthful. Michael was a vegetarian and was reported for having done yoga and meditation. So, how was it possible that he would do a drug overdose and kill himself? Michael always wanted to be in the spotlight, he wanted to know how the world would react to finding out that he had died.
His father Joe Jackson attended the BET awards some few days after finding out about his son’s death. During this moment, CNN interviewed him where he said he was feeling awesome, displayed very little concern for the loss of his son and was up to publicizing his new record label. Sources of a video footage revealed that Jackson’s mother-Katherine was actually shopping at Target, some hours after his son’s death.
News of Jackson’s death caused no grief in his family. His daughter Paris did cry during the memorial which was the only attempt of grief which did not come across as sincere. Soon after the memorial she was spotted dancing and singing. His eldest son was busy chewing gum and did not look disturbed by his father’s death.
Another question raised was why his very closest friends including his divorced wife Lisa Marie Presley did not attend his funeral?
Some months before his death, Michael had passed a fitness test for insurance purpose. Why then cardiologist Conrad Murray, who was even declared bankruptcy in the early 90’s hired just 11 days before his death? Obvious Murray was an easy candidate to blame for his death.
During his memorial, sources tell that The Jackson Family did not allow opening of the casket suggesting that his face had suffered distortion from the resuscitation. Now look at this picture
, his face is very much ok. Why then did they refuse to open the casket, this is because his body was not in the casket.
In January 2009, Michael was reported suffering from a skin infection that could lead to eating bacteria, had emphysema, needed lung transplant, and had intestinal bleeding. He was even photographed on wheelchairs and even felt he was shortly going to die. Later in that month he rocked the world that he was launching the O2 concerts. Video footage was even released of him dancing on stage 2 days before his death. He faked his illness to capture public’s attention which he had learnt from Elizabeth Taylor.

Michael Jackson's Valuables

Michael Jackson well known as Wacko Jacko his fans had the most expensive lots, which contested for very high prices. During an interview with the CNN, he described himself to be worthy above 1 billion US dollars. He was one of the richest artists earning millions of dollars on concerts and tours. Some of the most expensive collectibles Michael Jackson had during his era are listed below:
The white spandex gloves covered in Swarovski crystal sequins which he wore frequently in the 80’s. The gloves were an iconic piece of Jackson’s wardrobe. Although several threads have come loose, they are estimated to be worthy $200,000, according to Julien’s   executive director, Martin Nolan.
Another icon item in his wardrobe was a glittering, roped, red and golden military-style jacket which he wore during 1984 American Music Awards. Thought the 80’s, he was repeatedly spotted having worn the jacket. This iconic jacket is estimated to be worthy $20,000-$30,000.

 Jackson did own a smattering of artworks, including a 10-foot-tall 1991 bronze sculpture of a bound Indian by American artist Glenna Goodacre, designer of the Sacagawea gold coin. It’s estimated at $100,000 to $250,000 and may not sell for much more, says Darren Julien, chief executive of Julien’s.
Also Jackson owned vehicles which were very valuable. He owned a custom-made
1999 Rolls Royce limousine with a gold-encrusted interior which he designed himself. It is estimated to be worthy $140,000 to $170,000.
Jackson owned the famous Neverland Ranch together with a private equity company called Colony Capital which in 2003 was estimated to be be worthy $100,000,000. It is believed to have housed more than 1000 valuables belonging to the gloved one.
Although he was known to own the most valuable items, he was also drowning in debts. Sources tell that he owed some unnamed companies a lot which hit $400,000 where his Neverland Ranch home was still on a debt.

Jackson moved to Bahrain following his 2005 trial. He now reportedly lives in a Bel-Air mansion with 13 bathrooms and 12 fireplaces, for which he pays $100,000 a month in rent. Halperin  reported that he would never return to Neverland. 

17 June 2014

Michael Jackson's Skin

Michael was from an African-American family where he had a dark skin color throughout his childhood and his youth. During mid 1980s, his skin gradually grew pale which was considered to be a skin bleaching. Jackson started making his nose smaller and his skin more and lighter. He and his sister La Toya used a cream known as Porcelana to achieve the light skin where they had crates of this cream at their home. According to many Dr. Halford, Jackson tried to look like white people in order to get in films and on television. Jackson’s physical changes drew a lot of attention and gained wide spread media coverage. It was also presumed that Jackson beached his skin to boost his career. In 1986, Jackson was diagnosed with vitiligo which was considered by doctors to be a consequence of damage done by bleaching chemicals over the years. This disease is non-contagious and cannot be cured, but the progression of the patches can be stopped. Once Jackson told his maid Blanca Francia that he bleaches his skin because he does not like being black and he feels that blacks are not liked as much as people of other races. Jackson was later diagnosed with lupus that the vitiligo partially lightened his skin and the lupus was in remission and both illnesses made him sunlight sensitive. Debbie Rowe who was his wife used to treat Micheal his illness after marrying her in 1996 and also supporting him emotionally. Rowe worked as a nurse in a dermatologist clinic where Micheal used to be treated vitiligo.

Sexual Abuse Allegations

2013 Child Sexual Abuse Allegations
Wade Robson, a choreographer filed a civil lawsuit on May 2013 against Jackson’s Neverland Ranch estate for child sexual abuse. Robson claimed that for 7 years Jackson abused him sexually at his Neverland Ranch and Jackson’s homes in Los Angeles and Les Vegas. He claimed that by the time he was 7 years old, he was regularly having sleepovers at Jackson's homes till he was 14 years. Former housekeeper Blanca Francia testified that she witnessed Robson showering with Jackson when Robson was 8 or 9 years old. The attorney for Jackson's estate described Robson's claim as "outrageous and pathetic’’. The date for the hearing which will determine whether Robson can sue Jackson's estate is scheduled for June 2, 2014.
2003 child sexual abuse allegations
13 year old Gavin Arvizo, a boy who appeared in the documentary Living with Michael Jackson made accusations of child sexual abuse on Michael Jackson. Michael stated that he shared his bed with children in a non-sexual way. There were also allegations that he tried to hold the boy and his family captives at his Neverland home and also in a hot air balloon. After a five month trial, the jury found Michael not guilty and all the charges facing him were dropped.
1993 child sexual abuse allegations
Evan Chandler on behalf of his then 13-year old son, Jordan accused Michael Jackson of abusing his son sexually. Jordan had become friends with Jackson in May 1992. The boy claimed that Jackson touched his penis, engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex. During this time, Jackson was in a tour where business Partners sponsoring Jackson worried of losing large sums of money. They insisted a transition financial with Chandler where Jackson opposed the transaction which was then paid by an insurance company. Chandler family and their legal team received $22,000,000 in January 1994. The shocking thing was that Evan Chandler committed suicide after Jackson’s death for unknown reasons.

28 March 2014

Michael Jackson's Dangerous Tour

This was the second [after Bad Tour] and one of the largest solo concert tour made by Michael Jackson. Michael was to appear in 70 performances in different countries; 40 in Europe, 18 in Asia, 6 in South America and 6 in North America. The tour was scheduled to start on June 27, 1992 to run all the way November 11, 1993 which involved three legs. The tour was sponsored by Pepsi-Cola which offered $20 million deal. The main purpose of the tour was to raise funds for his organization, Heal the World Foundation, an international children’s charity. This organization was to contribute funds to pediatric AIDS . Equipments with more than 100 tons were used during the tour which required two Boeing 747 jet aircraft and many lorries to transport to every venue. Before the tour Michael Jackson and his band rehearsed for the whole concert where it was rumored that it took place in Jacksons’s Neverland home. During this tour Jackson was influenced by the uniform worn in the military. During the first leg of this tour, he wore a grey-green jacket with a one bolted strap which sparkled with multicolor uniform while in the third leg he wore a black uniform with three gold bolted straps, one going from his collar to his waist in one direction and the other two in another.
During his performances in the first and second leg, transition from thriller to Billie Jean was one amazing thing. When Jackson walks into two pillars, he secretly switches with a werewolf-masked backup dancer while he changes for Billie Jean. The backup dancer posing as Jackson is placed into a coffin which disappears when dancers posing as skeletons and zombies drape a cloth over the coffin and pull it out. Jackson appears fully dressed for Billie Jean in the upper stage level as it lowers down. The coffin portion of this stage illusion was removed in some of first leg shows and the entire third leg of the tour, and replaced with the Jackson impersonator and the backup dancers performing an encore of the "Monster Breakdown". During these two legs, he also performed ‘The way you make me feel’ and ‘Bad’ in Tokyo, Japan.
On August 24, 1993 in Bangkok during third leg, Jackson was accused of child sexual abuse [made public] where a search warrant was issued to the police. On 29 August 1993, Jackson on his tour performed in front of 47000 on his 35th birthday in Singapore. Due to the accusations of child abuse and various health problems, this tour ended in Mexico. Jackson started taking Valium, Xanax and Ativan to deal with stress made against him.  Later he entered a rehabilitation program due to the drugs addiction. Many appearances across were cancelled after the incident but were rescheduled for a later date.

Michael Jackson's Marriages

Michael Jackson [King of Pop] was involved in two marriages and ended up divorcing both due to various reasons explained in this article.

First Marriage

Michael married Lisa Marie Presley on 18th May 1994 in De La Vega, Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic. Lisa had two kids from a marriage with Danny Keough, a famous musician. According to many, it’s believed their marriage was a way of casting Michael in a better light after the 13-year boy sexual molestation charges. On January 18th 1996 Jackson divorced Presley where reasons for the divorce cited as irreconcilable differences between the two. After Michaels death, Presley gave a statement about her former husband "I do believe he loved me as much as he could love anyone and I loved him very much ... I became very ill and emotionally/spiritually exhausted in my quest to save him from certain self-destructive behavior and from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize around him. I was in over my head while trying ... He was an amazing person and I am lucky to have gotten as close to him as I did and to have had the many experiences and years that we had together." [Courtesy of People.com]

Second marriage

Nine months later after Jackson divorced Presley, he married Debbie Rowe on November 15, 1996. She was an adopted daughter of a millionaire from Malibu, California. Debbie was a nurse at Dr. Arnold Klein dermatology office where she met Jackson who used to come for vitiligo treatment. When Debbie was six months pregnant, both got married in Sydney, Australia. Three months later, she gave birth to a boy child who was named Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. on 13th February 1997. On the following year, Debbie gave birth to her second girl child, Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson born on April 3, 1998. This was Rowe’s second marriage, her first being to Richard Edelman in 1982. The couple divorced on October 8, 1999 where she gave Jackson full custody of the two children. Rowe was awarded $8 million as settlement and a house in Beverly Hills, California. In 2009 after Jackson’s death, she made statements to deny a lot of gossips that she was not the children’s biological mother and that she was attempting to bargain her parental rights for money. In August 2009, Rowe reached a settlement with Katherine Jackson, the children's guardian, under which she has rights to supervised visitations. Mrs. Jackson's attorney stated that the negotiations were "never about money" and the settlement was in the best interests of the children. The children now know that Rowe is their mother and they have visitations with her.

Micheal Jackson's Early Life

Michael Joseph Jackson whom is well known as “The King of Pop’’ was born on the 29th of August 1958 7:33pm at St. Mercy Mary Hospital Gary Indiana. He was the eighth child of a famous African-American working-class family, The Jackson Family. His parents were Joseph Walter "Joe" Jackson and Katherine Esther Jackson. His father Joe Jackson was a businessman and a famous guitarist but had to put that aside to provide for his family after marrying Katherine Jackson. His mother Katie, whom was born in Barbour County, Alabama, was a television personality. She always encouraged little Jackson to participate in the church choir because she had noted that he was talented and had the passion to sing. Michael Jackson joined his four older brothers Tito, Jermaine, Jackie and Marlonalso when he was just five years of age as a lead vocalist when his father saw that he could sing in the school talent show. When he was 6 years old he sang with his brothers at the talent show and won 1st prize.

. In early 1960s, Joe Jackson noticed a music talent in his sons where he molded them to a group which gave birth to the The Jackson 5. He gave his first public performance when he was five years of age singing Climb Every Mountain; he showed a great music talent in his vocals and dances. Their father Joe Jackson was a very strict man who always wanted to see his sons work hard and behave in the right way. Michael Jackson's father confessed for the first time that he beat his children .During an interview with US talk show queen Oprah Winfrey, Joe Jackson admitted hitting his children with a strap .'I don't [regret the beatings],' he said. 'It kept them out of jail and kept them right.’ The group performed in many music concerts gaining popularity across America, Asia, Europe and Africa. Later Michael Jackson opted out of the group [The Jackson 5] to do it solo where, the late has gained a lot of fame and popularity due to his magnificent talent in music.